Sunday, May 13, 2012

Team Meetings For Final Assessment

This week, each team needs to meet with me on Tuesday (15 May) or Thursday (17 May) to discuss the final assessment project.

All team members must be present for the meeting; if you do not meet with me you will be marked absent for both Tuesday and Thursday. You only need to meet with me once on Tuesday or Thursday -- if you need more time or assistance, then plan to meet with me both days. I will be in the office by 2 p.m. both days and will meet with teams until 4 p.m. It's first come, first served -- and again, all team members must be present for the meeting. 

By now you should have discussed your product with me . . . if you have not, you're already behind for the final assessment. 
For our meeting, bring your Action Plan, and if you have a rough draft of your presentation, bring that and I'll review it with you. Information about Action Plans was included in the final assessment details posted on the blog in March. Be sure you have a good Action Plan! (By now, you should have completed most of the steps on your Action Plan).

Details for your final assessment are available here. Starting Sunday 20 May, I will randomly call teams to present in class. Please do not miss -- be prepared to present on Sunday! We will continue to hear presentations as needed Tuesday and Thursday. After you deliver your presentation, turn in your final assessment to me.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Quiz Postponed, Now Set for Sunday

Today's scheduled quiz has been postponed until Sunday 29 April. It will cover chapters 9, 11-12.  

Friday, April 20, 2012

Class Calendar: Last Four Weeks

We are into the final four weeks of the semester and they are going to blow by quickly . . . so I will tell fewer stories in class and pay closer attention to the textbook. You will need to spend more time in the textbook, too, and do so in advance of classes. So here's the schedule, just click on it and follow it, please.

Note that I have indicated the pages you need to read . . . and I strongly suggest you read them before class. I will likely spend less time on most topics -- unless you ask me for clarifications. Thus, you need to read the content before coming to the classroom. You will notice there are several chunks of pages to read. These are important because they cover a main topic and then sub-topics. You want to be certain you understand all of the topics and that you can write about them if asked to with short answers.

Your final quiz is set for April 26 and will cover Chapters 9, 11 & 12. The final in-semester test is set for May 13 and will cover Chapters 9, 11-15. Your final exam is set for 8 a.m. May 29!

The week of May 20 set set aside for your final presentations, and we'll talk more about what's expected early next week.

Please note that I will start the class as quickly as possible each day and the door will close once I start . . . so please be there on time (or within 5 minutes). I'll see you Tuesday 24 April, by which time you must have read the readings for Chapter 12.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Briefing 8: Education & Technology

In this final briefing, explore both the education and technology of your host country. Here's an example, and please keep the briefing to no more than three pages, including the sources. Use at least three sources to gather your information.

Think about and explain how education and technology impact trade in your country of choice.

Thinking about Education
If you were writing about education in Kuwait, as an example, you could explore the need for expat teachers. Why is that? And how does the existence of teachers from other countries impact trade? For example, Americans might crave products from their own country, and Indians might seek products from their country . . . how do these "desires" create opportunities for trade in Kuwait? What complications pop  up as a result?

Thinking about Technology
As for technology, does it support trade in your targeted country? The way people bank and spend money is controlled by technology, including the Internet. Again, thinking about Kuwait, you would explore the amount of money that's sent out of the country to expat families. Then you could explore how those transactions are facilitated by technology. Of course, you'd also want to examine the economic impact of money flowing out of the country instead of being spent in the country!

Briefing 8 is due via email no later than 7 p.m. (Kuwait time) Wednesday 25 April. Bring 8 copies of your report to class on Thursday 26 April and be prepared to discuss it. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Midterm Grades

Please note that your grades are up to date . . . it's always the student's responsibility to check grades regularly and to be certain they are accurate. You have 48 hours after grades are posted to discuss them with me -- grades posted on a Thursday should be discussed with me no later than Sunday.

The Briefing grade is the easiest of all to earn at least an A- providing you submit the Briefing by the deadline and you attend class the day we discuss the Briefings. You earn bonus points if you present your Briefing (providing that you present it well). Turning in the Briefing on time, but not attending class when the Briefings are discussed, results in a lower grade (usually a C -- which rewards you for part of the assignment: preparing the Briefing). If you are absent the day we discuss Briefings, and even if your partner presented the Briefing, you will earn a lower grade because you did not participate. A very important part of this class is to attend and participate so that you get exposed to several cultures. Of course, Briefings that include errors, sloppy work, or do not comply with requirements, etc. will earn lower grades even if they were submitted on time and presented in class.

Work hard as we continue through the second half of the semester -- several of you have earned As, but several of you have earned Cs and less -- every class counts now! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Briefing 7: Delivering & Distributing Products

Briefing 7

How do products and services reach consumers in your targeted country? Describe infrastructure and distribution. What systems (i.e. transportation, electrical, water, communications, etc.) are utilized in the transportation and distribution of products? Who are the country's major distributors currently?

These and other issues related to infrastructure and communications will be explored in Briefing 7 (see example). Please keep this report to no more than 3 pages, including sources (and use at least three sources).

Explore Infrastructure
Infrastructure is the underlying framework (or series of systems) that supports a country and makes it possible for its inhabitants to communicate, eat, drink, travel, etc.

1. the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and community, power plants, and schools.

How does the infrastructure of your country support the distribution of products?

Email Briefing 7 to me no later than 7 p.m. (Kuwait time) Wednesday 18 April. Bring 8 copies of your report to class on Thursday 19 April and be prepared to discuss it. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Test #1: Tuesday 10 April . . . Show Up Early!

The first test (worth 15% of your grade) in International Marketing will be given to you on Tuesday 10 April. The test covers Key Terms and Concepts for Chapters 1-8. The test includes only terms and concepts from your handout. You will be asked to fill-in-the-blanks (for 30 questions), and then you will be asked to write one (1) short answer to a question of your choice.

The best way to study for this test: Memorize and understand the Key Terms and Concepts on the handout that we've used in class. Study with a friend and test each other.

Please arrive early for class; the door will be closed at 5 minutes after the hour to facilitate concentration and prevent interruptions. You will likely need the entire class session to complete this test.